The acquisition of land in Morocco is a dream for many foreign investors. However, it is crucial to understand the strict regulations that govern this process, especially when the land is located outside urban areas. This is where the concept of Non-Agricultural Vocational Attestation (VNA) comes into play. The VNA is a crucial document for foreign nationals wishing to purchase land outside urban areas.
In this article, we will guide you through the process of applying for the provisional VNA, highlighting the necessary documents and the regulations in place. We will also discuss the conditions required for building on agricultural land in Morocco. Understanding these steps is essential to successfully realizing your investment project. Stay with us to uncover the key details for achieving your dream of acquiring land in Morocco.
When considering the purchase of agricultural or agricultural-purpose land outside urban areas in Morocco, obtaining a provisional VNA is the first crucial step. This attestation paves the way for the possibility of transferring the land to a foreign investor for a non-agricultural project.
To compile your application, you will need to gather several supporting documents, including:
- An official request addressed to the President of the Regional Urban and Investment Commission (CRUI), specifying the required acts and authorizations.
- Your formal commitment to comply with the agreed deadlines for the project’s completion.
- A detailed project information sheet.
- Payment of the required fees to the Urban Agency, ranging between 200 and 600 MAD.
- A cadastral map of the land, with fees between 60 and 115 MAD per copy at the Cadastre.
- A location plan for the project.
- A brochure explaining the nature of your project.
- A recent certificate of ownership (dated less than 3 months), a rental contract for the land, a preliminary sales agreement, or any other document justifying your connection to the land.
For a comprehensive list of required documents, refer to your personal investor space.
It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the legal references governing the process of obtaining the provisional VNA, notably Dahir n°1-19-18 of February 13, 2019, which reformed the regional investment centers and created the unified regional investment commissions.
By carefully following these steps and providing the required documents, you can secure the provisional VNA, an essential step to realizing your investment project in Morocco.
Now that you have obtained your provisional VNA, it is crucial to understand the conditions surrounding construction on agricultural land in Morocco. This step is essential for ensuring the success of your real estate project.
Moroccan law clearly stipulates that foreign nationals are prohibited from acquiring agricultural land. This also applies to companies where part or all of the capital is held by foreign shareholders. Therefore, obtaining a Non-Agricultural Vocational Attestation (VNA) becomes imperative to bypass this restriction.
The provisional VNA is only the first step. To sell or lease the property, it is necessary to wait for the final VNA. This will only be issued once the real estate project is completed and its non-agricultural purpose is confirmed after a new investigation by the observation commission.
Moreover, the title deed issued by the Land Conservation Agency contains a resolutory clause and an alienation prohibition. This means that if the investment project is not completed within the specified timeframe and the final VNA is not confirmed, the land title could be revoked by the Moroccan state, which would then reclaim ownership.
To fully understand the conditions and regulations related to building on agricultural land in Morocco, it is essential to refer to the relevant legal texts, such as Dahir n°1-73-645 of April 23, 1976, and its amendments.
By carefully adhering to these conditions, you ensure the successful completion of your real estate investment project on agricultural land in Morocco.
Now that you understand the importance of the VNA for acquiring land outside urban areas in Morocco, let’s explore the new guidelines that facilitate this process for foreign investors.
Until recently, investing in agricultural zones in Morocco was a complex process for foreigners. However, a new joint circular has been issued by key ministries, opening up new opportunities for foreign real estate investment.
The circular outlines clear and precise guidelines regarding the granting of the VNA. It requires strict adherence to the legal conditions before issuing this attestation. Moreover, obtaining the VNA is now linked to the existence of a non-agricultural investment project, further ensuring the land’s use for purposes other than agriculture.
The circular establishes strict limits regarding high-potential agricultural zones, where the issuance of the VNA may be restricted. Additionally, the local investment commission must approve the issuance of the attestation for applicants wishing to acquire properties located outside the urban perimeter.
It is essential to refer to the joint circular related to the VNA for a thorough understanding of the new guidelines. This also includes Law 131.12 concerning the principles of delimiting the territorial jurisdictions of local authorities.
By understanding these new guidelines, foreign investors can more easily navigate the process of acquiring land outside urban areas in Morocco, opening up exciting new opportunities for real estate investment in the country.
In conclusion, a deep understanding of the Non-Agricultural Vocational Attestation (VNA) is essential for successfully completing your real estate investment project in Morocco. From obtaining the provisional VNA to building on agricultural land, each step is crucial to ensuring the success of your venture.
The recently introduced new guidelines offer exciting opportunities for foreign investors, making it easier to acquire land outside urban areas. However, it is imperative to adhere to the established conditions and regulations to ensure the smooth execution of your project.
If you have additional questions or are seeking personalized advice for your real estate investment in Morocco, feel free to contact us. Our experienced advisors at Celestia Invest are here to guide you through the entire process.
Don’t wait to make your real estate dream in Morocco a reality. Contact us today and let us help you achieve your real estate goals.
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- Dahir n°1-19-18 of February 13, 2019, concerning the reform of regional investment centers and the creation of unified regional investment commissions (B.O. 6754 of February 21, 2019).
- Dahir n°1-73-645 of April 23, 1976, related to the acquisition of agricultural or agricultural-purpose properties outside urban perimeters.
- Dahir n°1-76-537 of February 16, 1977, amending Dahir n°1-73-645 of April 23, 1976, regarding the acquisition of agricultural or agricultural-purpose properties outside urban perimeters.
- Royal Letter of January 9, 2002, addressed to the Prime Minister regarding decentralized investment management (B.O. n° 4970 of January 17, 2002).
- Dahir n°1-04-255 of December 29, 2004, promulgating the Finance Law n° 26-04 for the 2005 fiscal year.
- Dahir n°1-11-179 of November 22, 2011, promulgating Law n°32-09 concerning the organization of the notary profession.
- Decree n°2-13-424 of May 24, 2013, approving the general construction regulation setting the form and conditions for the issuance of authorizations and required documents in accordance with urban planning legislation.
- Ministerial Circular n°257 of March 21, 2014, concerning the urbanization of agricultural land.
- Decree n°2-13-18 of July 14, 2014, relating to land registration procedures (Articles 27, 28, and 29).
- Decree n°2-16-375 of July 18, 2016, setting the tariff for land conservation rights.