Permis d'habiter and certificat de conformité in Morocco: Everything you need to know

What is a "permis d'habiter"?

The "permis d'habiter" is an official document issued by local Moroccan authorities. It certifies that the construction of a residential building has been completed in accordance with approved plans and current safety standards. This document is essential to ensure that future residents can live in decent, safe conditions. In the absence of this permit, it is illegal to occupy the building for residential purposes.

On the other hand, the certificate of conformity is intended for non-residential buildings, such as hotels, commercial or industrial buildings. This certificate attests that the construction complies with the standards required for its intended use. Whether for a hotel for sale in Marrakech or a shopping center, this certificate is a prerequisite for the legal operation of the property.

Why do I need a building permit?

A building permit is required in a number of specific situations, including :

After completion of construction

        • All new residential buildings require planning permission before owners can legally occupy the property.

When applying for housing benefit

        • Housing assistance programs in Morocco, such as the "daam sakane"In order to be able to do this, you need to have a building permit.

For extension or renovation

        • Any major modification to an existing building, such as an extension or major renovation, requires an updated building permit.

Steps to obtain a building permit or certificate of conformity

Application submission

    • The first step in obtaining a building permit or certificate of conformity is to submit a formal application to the President of the Communal Council or the President of the Borough Council. This application must include a declaration of completion of the work, often issued by the architect responsible for the construction, as well as a certificate of ownership and other administrative documents.

Verification by local authorities

    • Once the application has been submitted, the local authorities carry out a series of checks to ensure that the construction complies with approved plans and safety standards. This procedure includes on-site inspections to verify compliance with current regulations, such as connection to water, electricity and possibly telecommunications networks.

Document delivery

    • After verification, if everything is in order, the building permit or certificate of conformity is issued by the President of the Communal Council. If irregularities are found, a reasoned refusal is issued, and corrections may be requested.

It is important to note that these procedures must be carried out promptly. In the event of unjustified delay or unfounded refusal, the applicant may appeal to the competent local authority, as stipulated in article 49 of the dahir relating to communal organization.

Special cases and exceptions

Certain situations may require additional or specific steps to obtain a building permit or certificate of conformity:

The architect's role

    • In some cases, the architect's certificate of completion may be sufficient to obtain a building permit, without the need for a full inspection by the local authorities.

Buildings subject to specific regulations

    • For certain types of building, such as those requiring telecommunications installations, additional checks by competent authorities are required before the building permit or certificate of conformity is issued.

Costs, deadlines and validity


    • Applying for a building permit or certificate of conformity is generally free of charge. However, homeowners must pay the "contribution sociale de solidarité sur les livraisons à soi-même de construction d'habitation personnelle", a tax applied to the construction of personal dwellings. This tax is calculated according to the surface area of the property, with an exemption for dwellings of less than 150 m².


    • The standard processing time for a building permit application is around one month. After this time, if there is no response, the applicant can lodge an appeal with the relevant authorities to move the process forward.


    • Once issued, a building permit is valid for life. It does not need to be renewed, except in the case of major modifications to the building that would require a new inspection and validation by the local authorities.

Consequences of non-obtainment

Occupying a dwelling without a permit can result in severe penalties. Offenders are liable to fines ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 dirhams. What's more, the absence of this document can complicate the sale or rental of the property, affecting its market value.


Obtaining a building permit or certificate of conformity is an essential step for any property owner in Morocco. These documents are not only a legal obligation, but also a guarantee that the construction complies with current safety standards and regulations. Whether you're an individual looking for a villa for sale in Marrakech or an investor wishing to purchase a hotel for sale in MarrakechTo avoid any future problems, it is crucial to ensure that all administrative documents are in order.

For further information or to help you with your real estate needs, please contact one of our sales representatives. real estate agency in Marrakech who can advise and assist you at every stage of your real estate project.

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Bahia Zouine CEO and CO-Founder
Bahia Zouine, founder of Celestia Invest, brings three years of luxury real estate expertise to Marrakech. The agency, specialized in the sale of villas, riads and hotels, is renowned for its international partnerships and commitment to transparency. For more information, please contact us.